Nithya and Patrick

A vibrant multicultural affair.

D’Vine Grace Weddings

A merging of time and tradition when two become one.

This symbolic wedding honored both the groom’s military background and the blending of the bride’s beautiful Indian culture with a celebratory day filled with traditional ceremony rituals to signify the start of a lifelong marriage followed by a joyous reception of music, dancing, and a fusion of Indian and traditional cuisines.

Best Day Ever

A joyous celebration with prayer and dancing.


Terms of endearment.

True love knows no bounds and neither do Nithya and Patrick. Each magical moment of their wedding day embraced an infusion of time-honored traditions along with their an introduction of the life they would begin together.

Let Love Reign

Sartorial inspection of the ceremonious Indian draping.

Event Spaces


Each couple and their families arrive to D’Vine Grace with their own traditions and wedding day custom. It is our honor to share in these intimate moments with you.

With every adornment & detail, let your vision come into focus.

Capture Every Moment


Photography @hannahhixphoto

Wedding Planner @Blissful_Celebrations

Wedding Florist, Designer and Decorator @Blissful_Celebrations

Bride @Nithyacashin

Groom @patrick_cashin

Hair/MakeUp @Mspaintedlady

Saree Draping @Elegantsareedraping

Venue @DVineGraceVineyard

Cake @cmariesweets

Catering @SawaiiLittleelm

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Victoria and Tyler